Poetry is a powerful force for wellbeing. In each session, we will use a selection of poems as inspiration for your own writing, focusing on creating a safe and supportive environment that builds everyone’s confidence to use poetry to express themselves. No previous experience of poetry necessary.

Tutor: Nia Broomhall
Nia Broomhall is an award-winning poet based in Farnham. She holds an MA with distinction in Creative Writing from Lancaster University and is Poet in Residence at Painshill Park in Surrey for 2024, funded by an Arts Council DYCP grant. She won the Mslexia Poetry Pamphlet Prize 2023 and her debut pamphlet Backalong will be published by Bloodaxe Books in September 2024. Her poems have been widely published. Currently co-Head of English at a comprehensive school, she has been teaching for 23 years and the best hour of her week is Poetry Club at her school on a Friday afternoon. Originally from Somerset, she comes from a long line of West Country women who talk to strangers and embarrass their children.

“enjoyable and inspiring”

“a truly wonderful experience”

Tickets: £13 / £11.70 concession per session 

Sessions: Monday's 23rd September, 21st October, 25th November, 10.30am-12.30pm


  • Close up of a fountain pen writing on lined paper

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