This class is perfect for people with a love of art, particularly drawing and painting and for those who wish to further develop their skills. Suitable for all abilities, from beginners to those with some experience in art.

Tutor: Amanda Buchan
Amanda originally studied art at Arts University Bournemouth where she completed a BTEC diploma course in general art and design which covered all areas of art and design. She then moved to the University of Gloucestershire where she specialised in Fine Art Painting and Art History at degree level. She also completed her PGCE teaching diploma there. Amanda has always had a deep passion for art, particularly drawing and painting and has been teaching specialised art to adults for four years.

Tickets: £180.00 / £162.00 concessions 

Sessions: 12 week term from Tuesday 17th September - 10th October (no class 29th October), 10.30am to 12.30pm


  • Close up pastel painting of a cheetah

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